Intercom with Microcontroller

  • Tech Stack: C/C++, Microcontroller, Microchip Studio, SimulIDE
  • Project Video:
  • Github URL: Project Link

Setup: Part of an intercom application for 8 apartments will be implemented. The intercom is equipped with with a 16-key keypad and 2x16 LCD. In the initial state the intercom allows access in two modes: 1. In the first mode one of the keys 1..8 is pressed and the Intercom calls the apartment corresponding to the digit pressed. If the called apartment activates the cmd signal within 15 seconds, the intercom will will open the electric lock of the door, allowing access. However, if within 15 seconds cmd is activated, the intercom returns to its initial state. 2. In the second access mode, press the 'c' key and then enter three decimal digits. If the 3 digits is the predefined access code, the intercom opens the electric lock and allows access, otherwise the otherwise it returns to its initial state. It follows from the description of the mode of operation that the intercom behaves differently even if the pressed is the same. For example, if in the initial state '2' is pressed, the intercom will ring at apartment 2, but if first 'c' and then '2' is pressed, this '2' is the first digit of the code and the intercom will memorize it without ringing apartment 2.